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Foldable and compact

Space saving

Discover our super compact foldable WalkingPad treadmills! Lack of space is a thing of the past. Whether you are at home, in your cozy apartment or in the office, with our treadmills you can move anytime and anywhere. No hassle with assembly, just unfold and go!

Enjoy daily jogging

Stay true to your fitness routine, rain or shine. With the WalkingPad treadmill you can maintain your momentum, effortlessly achieve your fitness goals and break a sedentary lifestyle, even during busy work weeks. Easily store this foldable treadmill under your bed or couch when you're done.

Walking while you work

No more excuses not to exercise, even on your busiest days! With the foldable WalkingPad treadmill you can take your daily steps while you are at work. Keep your body active and moving, even during the many hours at your desk. This way you stay productive and energetic.

What do our customers think?

Emily van der Meer32 years

My apartment in the middle of the city is anything but spacious. But with this foldable treadmill, I've found a fitness solution that fits my life. Easy to store, but powerful enough for a nice workout. Just unfold my treadmill, start it up and go!

Riza Celik43 years

The way to achieve my daily step goal! This WalkingPad is compact, quiet and lets me walk while I work. It keeps me active and focused during the day, without disrupting my workflow. An absolute must for those who want to exercise while working!

Sandra Verhoeven58 years

The convenience of exercising at home is priceless. No more excuses not to move. Just unfold, walk and fold when you're done. It has really improved my health and wellbeing. A must-have for those who want to keep moving without hassle!

Delivered in 1-2 Business Days

Orders placed before 12:00 will be delivered within 2 working days. With Track&Trace!

Delivered to the front door

Orders are delivered to the front door by the driver(s).

Free return

Unexpectedly not satisfied? The package will be collected from you free of charge.

Frequently asked Questions

Our treadmill is designed with an innovative folding. When not in use, you can easily fold and store the treadmill, saving valuable space in your home or office.

Although WalkingPad treadmills are primarily designed for walking and light jogging, they can also be used for more intense exercise sessions and running. However, it is important to check the specifications of the model to
determine if it is suitable for your training needs. The highest speed we sell is up to 16 km/h.

Our treadmills offer several advantages, including their compact and foldable design,
making them ideal for small spaces. They are also easy to move thanks to their light weight and wheels. Additionally, they can often be linked to smartphone apps for advanced training metrics and motivation.

Although most WalkingPad models are suitable for a wide range of users, it is advisable to check the specifications of the specific model for information on weight restrictions. In general, WalkingPad
treadmills support users up to a certain weight, but it is important to respect these limits for safe use.